Mental Health

How can we help?

We offer specialist services to support individuals living with a mental illness or mental health concern in regional and metropolitan South Australia.

We work closely with Government Mental Health Services, to support people in living safely in the community.

UnitingSA’s Mental Health Services are designed to help you handle life’s obstacles, form positive relationships and work towards your goals.

Our Mental Health Services are accredited with the National Standards for Mental Health Services 2010.

Scroll down to read more about our programs and how to access them.

Need help now?

If you require urgent mental health support, or are experiencing a mental health emergency or crisis, please get in touch with one of these support services.

More resources can be found at the Mental Health Coalition of South Australia website.

If you are experiencing a medical emergency or are in immediate danger, call 000.

Looking for NDIS services?

Head to our NDIS page for more information about:

  • NDIS support services, including Support Coordination
  • Participant resources
  • Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

You can also call our friendly NDIS team on 1800 531 880 or email

Emergency Assistance services

Head to our Emergency Assistance page for more information about:

  • Emergency Assistance, including food and/or clothing vouchers
  • Financial Counselling
  • No Interest Loans

You can also call our friendly Emergency Assistance team on (08) 8440 2299.

Our programs

  • Avalon Supported Accommodation

    Avalon is aimed at supporting people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness to build the skills and confidence needed to live independently in the community. To access the service the person needs to be supported by Southern Mental Health Services and be approved for Category One Housing by Housing SA.

    For more information on Avalon or to discuss a referral, please contact your Southern Mental Health Services worker.

    Download our Avalon Fact Sheet

Enquire now

Nobody can do everything but everyone can do something.

UnitingSA relies on the generosity of donors to help deliver innovative programs and support for people in need across metropolitan and regional South Australia.

“I was feeling depressed and anxious before coming to Taperoo Community Centre and now I feel as though I belong for the first time in my life. The classes have helped me believe in myself and that I am capable of learning.”

Taperoo Community Centre participant (pictured with Centre Coordinator Kathy)

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